Veterinary Team Association of Texas

Publish an article in the Texas Veterinarian Magazine
As a member of VTAT, you have the ability to publish an article inside an issue of TVMA's Texas Veterinarian Magazine. Please see details below:
Below are the upcoming themes of the magazine's issues. Your article does not HAVE to be aligned with the theme. You are free to write on another topic. ​
April issue (integrity): Due Feb. 20
June issue (member service): Due April 20
August issue (welcoming): Due June 20
October issue (teamwork): Due August 20
December issue (mission-focused): Due October 20
Below are the guidelines for articles:
For one-page articles, please keep submissions to no more than 800 words. For two-page articles, please keep submissions between 1,000 to 1,500 words. As always, photos are much appreciated along with your submissions.
If you are interested in signing up to write an article, please ensure you are a member of VTAT, then email us the issue you would like to take.
Thank you!

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